My 2007 Favorites

Well into 2008 now, it's time to recap last year with a little meme of all my favorites:

Place of 2007: The Good Life
(Caribbean restaurant in downtown Milwaukee)
We hit Good Life a lot at the beginning of last year, when a good friend used to organize weekly Sunday dinner there. But I haven't been able to hang out with him in a long time and I miss him. So it has a lot of good memories for me.

Month of 2007: June
June, 2007 was a fun month. I spent a lot of time setting up the Photo Road Rally, which even though I was the coordinator and not a player, was some of the most fun I've had in years. I also moved into a new apartment in June and got a new roommate. Plus I took the first of two trips to California last year for a wedding on a yacht off Newport Beach.

Best Day of 2007: May 14th.
I got upgraded to
. The day itself was weird and a little scary, but the consequences of that day were awesome. I'm having the best time being an uncle. She's the best baby niece you could ask for.

Best Moment of 2007: Finally finding clarity on a long drive home.
I love when something just hits you like a ton of bricks. I stress a lot about stupid things but the serenity of this perfect moment helped me meditate and realize that I am the cause and solution to my own troubles. That is powerful stuff when you really realize something like that.

Word of 2007: Shenanigan.
As in "Ouch, my shenanigan!"

Movie of 2007: The Fountain, Once, Juno
These will be controversial since your average moviegoer probably did not like these movies. Especially The Fountain, which was my favorite. There's no gun-fights or fart jokes. It's a complicated movie with emotional dialogue and sci-fi that takes some thought and discussion to hammer out what actually happened. Yes, I will judge you and your value as a human based on your thoughts about this movie. Once was an angst-ridden non-love story like none I've seen. You could also almost call it an indie musical, but not like any other cheesy musical ever made. I don't think there's a word in English for the strange mix of pleasure and pain and other emotions it evokes by the end. Try to sort it out. And Juno is a wittier Napoleon Dynamite without the awkwardness. Not quite as good as the other two, but a great movie nonetheless.

Song of 2007: Armchairs by Andrew Bird, Skinny Love by Bon Iver
I've written about Armchairs a million times on this site already. It just strikes me as one of the deepest and most interesting tunes of the year. Seeing Bird do it live was a spine-tingling experience. Skinny Love is haunting to me in the way that unrequited love is haunting. It's a mix of anger and tenderness, disappointment and affection, grief and hope. I guess it's been that kind of year.

Book of 2007: The Physics of Consciousness by Evan Harris Walker
I usually don't read physics equations for fun, but something about the philosophy of quantum physics really sets my mind spinning. If the universe really works the way physicists posit, then reality is totally different than it seems at our macroscopic level. This book weaves the philosophy of the conscious mind and quantum physics with a narrative about a lost love of the author's youth. Does physics explain where she is now? What God is? What are the repercussions of consciousness? By the last page of the book... your mind is spinning and reeling from what it all might mean and it's not even fiction.

Album of 2007: Radiohead - In Rainbows, Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
Radiohead defined "college radio" for my generation. They've had their detractors for going mainstream or for experimenting with new sound, but based on the merits of this solid album, those elitists and purists don't have a leg to stand on. Google the Binary Theory about fans' suppositions that this album and their OK Computer album from 10 years ago weave together in some sort of mysterious Dark Side of the Moon meets Wizard of Oz hidden message that the band doesn't deny.

Purchase of 2007: Nissan Sentra, Zune 30Gig, HTC Tilt
I bought a new car, a new mp3 player, and a new smartphone recently. They're each useful in their way, but they're just "things" and I can't get too excited about them.

City of 2007: Riviera Maya (Mexico), Newport Beach (CA), Brunet Island (WI), Charlotte (NC), Los Angeles (CA), Chicago (IL), Milwaukee (WI), Sturgeon Bay (WI), Edmonton (Canada)
I guess I did a lot of travelling this year. But I live to travel. If you're in a position to do so, how can you not? I don't think you can really know yourself or understand your part of the machine and your station in life until you get outside of what you know. True, I didn't go anywhere especially unique or cultural this year, but it beats staying at home and learning nothing.

Food of 2007: Breaded Chicken Parmesan
This is probably not my favorite meal, but it was the biggest and most grown-up meal I cooked this year. With Acorn and Rae's help, I figured out how to do some actual cooking and served a full dinner for 30 people. I have so much fun playing host.

Beverage of 2007: Mojitos at The Good Life. Brandy Old Fashioned.
I've been a Brandy Manhattan or Tanquaray and Tonic man for years. But nothing beats the Mojitos at Good Life. I wont order them anywhere else. And I tried an Old Fashioned this year which bested my Manhattan because it's just a little sweeter, so I think I have a new standard drink.

Person of 2007 (someone who made a difference for you this year): Lizzie
She's my favorite person this year because she's adorable and so good-natured. She took her first steps this week... at 8 months old! But I don't really know that she "made a difference" for me, except for being another person I love with all my heart. A friend that "made a difference" would have to be either Mandy or Abby. It's been a really tough year for losing friends and loves. These two girls each actually took the time to show they care and ask me about the situation, helping me through it by talking in depth. I appreciate that. Most people only talk about themselves... which works well, because I'm good at getting people talking about themselves and not so good at sharing what's on my mind. But that rare, special person proves to me that they are a friend by showing an interest in me and my life in return. I am really grateful to have these 3 people in my life.

Spot of 2007 (the best place to go to just be): Driving alone in my car for the hour ride home from my baby niece.
I see her once a week and the hour ride home is one of my most favorite and yet least favorite times. It's my favorite because I get to unwind and just contemplate how great that little kid is and how I've always been a dad on the inside, I just never had a child of my own. It's my least favorite time because of that same realization and regret.

Clothing Item of 2007: Running Shoes.
With the fancy new shoes I bought this year, I was actually able to get into a serious workout routine and running program finally. I'm up to 4 miles at a crack and I'm pretty proud of that. Really, the most important thing for a runner is good shoes. Serious runners need to replace them every three months. I'm not quite that serious yet.

Random Thing of 2007 (anything you want): Rock Band!
I don't play video games anymore (since I gave up my pre-teen obsession with them), so I don't know, maybe all the games are like this now... but this game is amazing. My friends and I spent days playing it in North Carolina. We couldn't get enough. Maybe since we're all pretty musical, we really clicked with it... it is just so social - feels like a party when you're all playing and shouting and having a great time.

Random Thing of 2008 (prediction): American Gladiators
This is seriously the best show out there right now. Even better than you remember it in the 80s. The Gladiators are super cool and the game is just really exciting. Plus it has Crush, who is of course, every guy's new crush.


What do you think? And what were your favorites of the year?

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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