pick one song

OK Dom, I've thought about this for a couple of days now. It's hard to choose the ONE song that means the most to you. "Easy assignment while I'm out of the country." says Dom. I know what your doing, laughing at all the people you've left behind to make this decision. I've looked at the site daily, some interesting, original songs have come up. This next mix of your is going to all over the place genre wise. I, like the others, have thought of many favorite songs. The first cassette mom and dad let me get was The Beach Boys-Surfing Safari. I still love California Dreamin', for some reason. I thought a little more, when I was in high school I had this job cleaning Monty's Blue Plate Diner. It was a night job that left much to be desired. My dad loved the song I'm Gonna Be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers. One of the rare ones he and I both could sing to. One night, If my memory serves me, while I was slaving at the Diner, he called the radio station and requested it for me to perk me up. Still to this day, when I hear the song I think of dad and that Diner.

But since my memory stinks. I am going to pick a song that has had recent importance in my life. Melodee and I just got back from Italy. I still can't believe it's been 10 years with her. She still seems to good for me. We rode many a long train ride on that trip, I would just stare at her as she read her mystery books, or looked out the window at the country side as it passed by. Smiling the whole time, with a smile that I've never seen on any other person before. A genuine, I'm happy to be here with you smile. I could stare at it all day. The line in the song goes-

I'm wondering if you will ever come with me And we can play husband and wife We could waltz around this globe and its mystery Then rest till the end of our lives

The song is called "To Meet You" by Teitur. And every time I listen to it, I think of that trip, that smile, and how blessed I am to have meet her.


Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
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