I have returned again... why?

Hey Kids, I'm back from Mexico. The trip was great. Everything I needed. If you want more details and pix: CLICK HERE.

I would have updated sooner and told you more about it, but this has just not been my week. The stress started when I got back to work and tried to catch up on all the urgent projects. Then my boss scheduled my one year review this week, which meant a lot of stress. The review was a breeze and I'll be getting a raise, but I couldn't even glowbask or celebrate because that night my father went into the ER for a bowel obstruction and he hasn't come out yet. He's had tests and possible surgery consults but there's really no answers yet.

Basically, (standard 'skip this' squeamish disclaimer) he hasn't gone to the bathroom since Tuesday, which is causing a lot of painful problems. He's puking up green bile and is completely distended. They say his liver and kidneys have an infection, which is infecting his small bowel and causing an obstruction. It's all kind of dangerous and scary. The stress of the week and all this worry has given me some kind of ulcer that kept me home from an assembly that I really wanted to get to today.

But enough of all this whining and worrying. I wanted to say thank you to all of my guest posters while I was away. They each were amazing to read and I thank those bloggers kindly. I asked a few of my fellow diaryland buddies to stop by and tell us something that they like about themselves without any caveats. They each answered so uniquely and appropriately for their personalities, you should go back and read. Here's some comments from me:

Dembrat's entry was hilarious, but you should know that she's string bean skinny and I never noticed the cankles. However, I can vouch for her hilariawesomeness, which is a word I just made up.

Derrick of course, rocked. That "curiosity" or deeper reflection was what got me to read him in the first place. And then I stuck around for the wicked sense of humor.

Rae told us all about her fabulous bootay. And although I'm not posting any pics, you know you can just trust me about that.

Rachel and Rosie's entries were both about keeping cool under pressure, and after this week, I really admire that about you both. What's the secret? Because, although I never ever freak out or anything, all this pressure and worry gets to me and my body can't handle it. I get stomach aches and ulcers and whatnot. You girls should really cherish how you can stay so calm under pressure.

Acorn cracked me up, but I really love her connection with animals because I feel the same way. I mean, I've never seen a platypus, but I just seem to click with animals too. You just roll around on the floor with them, and they'll be your best friend. Same goes with kids.

Smed gave us a great post about his relationship with his friends and you're right, Scott, that's really something to cherish. If I don't say it enough, thank you to all my friends, I love you all.

Posted by heydomsar

go back | random brainstorm | go forth

Rachel Ray - 2009-05-03
The cold wind was the reason - 2009-03-02
The Collected Wisdom of Angela Chase - 2009-02-15
All's well that ends well. - 2009-01-07
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - 2008-10-04

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